- The Open image picker The open image picker dialog is presented only if the ‘Edit single image...’ or ‘Extract single image...’ methods are chosen from the Multiple image options dialog. The open image picker dialog allows you to preview the images contained in a multiple image GIF animation file in order to choose which image to open or extract. The current image and number of images contained in the multiple image GIF animation file is displayed in the title of the group box surrounding the image preview. The checkbox labeled ‘Show’ controls the visibility of the image preview in the open image picker dialog. When it is checked the preview will be visible, and when it is unchecked the preview will not be visible. The spinner control, beneath the preview in the open image picker, allows you to step forward and backwards though the images contained in the multiple image GIF animation file. The sequential number of the currently selected images will be displayed in the title of the group box surrounding the preview, as well as in the edit text box next to the spinner control. You may also enter the number for which image to preview in the edit text box.